Buying tickets vocabulary in Chinese

机票 jīpiào air ticket
来回机票 Láihuí jīpiào Round-trip ticket
国内机票 Guónèi jīpiào Domestic air ticket
国际航程 guójì hángchéng international flight
酒店 jiǔdiàn hotel
火车票 huǒchēpiào Train ticket
度假 dùjià go on holiday
门票 ménpiào entrance ticket
团购 tuángòu group-purchase
到达 dàodá arrive
自助游 zìzhùyóu independent travel
出发 chūfā set out
单程 dānchéng one way
往返 wǎngfǎn travel to and fro
日期 rìqī date
免费 miǎnfèi be free of charge
搜索 sōusuǒ seek, search
直达 zhídá non-stop
直飞 zhífēi Direct flight
价格 jiàgé price
预订 yùdìng reserve
国籍 guójí nationality
护照 hùzhào passport
出生日期 chūshēng rìqī date of birth
证件有效期 Zhèngjiàn yǒuxiàoqí Certificate validity period
联系人 liánxìrén Contact person
xìng surname
名字 (名) míngzi (míng) first name
姓名 xìngmíng full name
证件号 zhèngjiànhào license number
手机号码 shǒujī hàomǎ mobile phone number
电子邮件 diànzǐ yóujiàn e-mail
保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance
支付成功 Zhīfù chénggōng payment successful
出票成功 Chū piào chénggōng Ticket issuance successfully

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