Learn Chinese
Learn Chinese online, prepare for the HSK exam for free, download tests, words and more
Learn Chinese online for free! This blog provides an extensive free knowledge base of the Chinese language from teachers and experienced native Chinese speakers, as well as a collection of other educational information freely available on the Internet. Various methods of learning Chinese.
Download HSK tests. All tests are in a ZIP archive, after downloading you will find the necessary files such as test, listening and so on. Some archives may be missing a file, this is indicated by icons with information.


All information about the HSK exam, types and all requirements for the exam and other information.
Community News is one of the most important pages of the Study Blog. This project is developed by the community and every day the materials are adjusted and improved. We’ll let you know in the Community News if the material hasn’t been tested yet or is in development. We will also write other useful news for site users.