IELTS University Vocabulary

Part 1

to graduate from a university = complete a degree course / to finish university 

to enroll on a degree course = put your name down for a degree course 

to major in physics = to choose physics as your main subject at university 

to attend a lecture = to go to listen to a speaker at university often with a large audience in a lecture theatre 

to attend a tutorial = to go to a meeting with a professor usually in small group held in his/her office 

deliver a lecture = to give a talk or presentation 

to lecture in media studies = to talk about media studies or to teach media studies at university 

the faculty of business = a department specialising in business at university 

to read history = to study history 

to do / complete coursework = doing project work or assignments as part of your course 

undergraduate (n) = someone currently doing their first degree 

graduate (n) = someone who has completed a degree course 

note-taking = being able to take notes in a lecture while the lecturer is talking 

keeping up with the work load = being able to maintain the level of studying required 

fall behind with studies = fail to keep pace with the school / university work 

Part 2

to attend classes – to go to classes

bachelors degree – an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years

boarding school – a school where pupils live during term time

face-to-face classes – as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom with colleagues and a teacher

to fall behind with your studies – to progress less quickly than others

higher education – education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school

to keep up with your studies – to not fall behind

to learn something by heart – to memorize it

a mature student – a student who is older than average and who has usually returned to education after a period at work

masters degree – a period of study which often follows the completion of a bachelors degree or is undertaken by someone regarded as capable of a higher-level academic course

to play truant – to stay away from classes without permission

to sit an exam – to take an exam

subject specialist – a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach

tuition fees – the money paid for a course of study

to work your way through university – to have a paid job whilst studying to support yourself financially

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