Hospital, medicine vocabulary in Chinese

医院 yīyuàn hospital
住院 zhùyuàn be hospitalized
送进(入) 病院 Sòng jìn (rù) bìngyuàn Sent to (in) a hospital
出院 chūyuàn leave hospital
儿童医院 értóng yīyuàn Children’s Hospital
传染病院 Chuánrǎn bìngyuàn Infectious Hospital
精神病院 jīngshénbìngyuàn Mental hospital
中医 zhōngyī Chinese Medicine
医疗 yīliáo Medical treatment
医疗机关 Yīliáo jīguān Medical institution
医疗人员 Yīliáo rényuán Medical personnel
发作 fāzuò paroxysm, seizure, seizure
疟疾发作 Nüèjí fāzuò Malaria attack
发炎 fāyán get inflamed
寒战 hánzhàn tremble with cold
发热 fārè run a temperature
发烧 fāshāo run a fever
头疼 tóuténg Headache
流行性感冒 liúxíngxìng gǎnmào influenza
流感 liúgǎn flu
伤风 shāngfēng cold
药膏 yàogāo ointment
药片 yàopiàn medicinal tablet
肌肉注射 jīròu zhùshè Intramuscular injection
输气 shūqì oxygen supply
急救 jíjiù give first aid
抗生素 kàngshēngsù antibiotic
心电图 xīndiàntú electrocardiogram (ECG)
抽血 chōuxuè draw blood (for a test or transfusion)
化验 huàyàn chemical analysis, laboratory analysis
化验血 huàyàn xuè Blood test
把血交去化验 Bǎ xuè jiāo qù huàyàn Hand in the blood for testing
化验室 huàyànshì laboratory
化验尿 Huàyàn niào Urine test
开药方 kāi yàofāng Prescribe a prescription
看病 kànbìng treat a patient
门诊 ménzhěn provide an outpatient service
门诊病人 Ménzhěn bìngrén outpatient
烦躁 fánzào fidgety
药水 yàoshuǐ liquid medicine
药粉 yàofěn powder, medicine in powders
药丸 yàowán pill
肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumour
良性肿瘤 Liángxìng zhǒngliú Benign tumor
恶性肿瘤 Èxìng zhǒngliú Malignant tumor
眼科 yǎnkē department of ophthalmology
眼科医生 yǎnkē yīshēng ophthalmologist
耳鼻喉科 ěrbíhóu kē ear-nose-throat (ENT) department
注射 zhùshè inject
包扎 bāozā bandage
包扎伤口 bāozā shāngkǒu wrap the wound
消毒 xiāodú disinfect, decontaminate
理疗 lǐliáo physiotherapy
症状 zhèngzhuàng symptom
体温 tǐwēn body temperature
量试体温 Liàng shì tǐwēn Measure body temperature
脉搏率 màibólǜ Pulse rate
心律 xīnlǜ heart rate
心律失常 Xīnlǜ shīcháng heart rhythm disorder
心律不齐 Xīnlǜ bù qí Arrhythmia
疲劳 píláo tired
无力 wúlì be powerless
眼花 yǎnhuā have blurred vision
气促 qìcù short of breath
发冷 fālěng feel cold
体温夅至正常 tǐwēn jiàng zhì zhèngcháng Body temperature is low to normal
体温计 tǐwēnjì thermometer
发病急 fābìngjí Acute onset
内科病 nèikēbìng Internal Medicine
拆线 chāixiàn remove stitches
麻醉 mázuì anaesthetize
口水 kǒushuǐ saliva
tán phlegm
闹嗓子 Nào sǎngzi sore throat

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