Airport, Air Travel vocabulary in Chinese

机场 jīchǎng airport
机场跑道 Jīchǎng pǎodào airstrip
登机牌 dēngjīpái boarding pass
行李 xíngli luggage ; baggage (US)
小行李箱 Xiǎo xínglǐ xiāng Small suitcase
往返票 wǎngfǎnpiào A round-trip ticket
单程票 dānchéngpiào a one-way ticket
航班 hángbān flight
头等舱 tóuděngcāng First Class (on the plane)
普通舱 pǔtōngcāng economy class (on the plane)
起飞 qǐfēi take off, rise (lift off) from the ground; departure (about airplanes)
飞机 fēijī aeroplane (British); airplane (US)
飞机着陆 Fēijī zhuólù Airplane landing
客运飞机 Kèyùn fēijī Passenger plane
货运飞机 Huòyùn fēijī transport aircraft
签证 qiānzhèng visa
入境签证 Rùjìng qiānzhèng Entry visa
工作签证 Gōngzuò qiānzhèng working visa
入境签证 rùjìng qiānzhèng Entry visa
Hǎiguān shēnbào biǎo Customs declaration
申报 shēnbào report
手推车 shǒutuīchē pushcart ; barrow (British)
Shǒutí de xínglǐ Hand luggage
机场大楼 jīchǎng dàlóu Airport building
空姐 kōngjiě air hostess
空中小姐 kōngzhōng xiǎojiě air hostess

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