Time vocabulary in Chinese

分[钟] fēn[zhōng] time unit
一分钟 Yī fēnzhōng One minute
过几分钟 Guò jǐ fēnzhōng In a few minutes
过几分钟 Guò jǐ fēnzhōng In a few minutes
七点差十分[钟] Qī diǎnchā shífēn [zhōng] Ten minutes to seven
[一]小时 [yī]xiǎoshí One hour
[一个]钟头 [yīge] zhōngtóu One hour
钟表 zhōngbiǎo timepiece
怀表 huáibiǎo pocket watch
手表 shǒubiǎo watch
挂钟 guàzhōng wall clock
沙漏 shālòu sandglass
日规 rìguī Sundial
闹钟 nàozhōng alarm clock
表盘 biǎopán dial (watch)
指针 zhǐzhēn indicator
表带 biǎodài watch strap
电池 diànchí battery
没电 méidiàn no power
换电池 Huàn diànchí Change the battery
戴手表 Dài shǒubiǎo Wear a watch
一刻钟 yīkèzhōng One quarter of an hour
半小时 bànxiǎoshí half an hour
早上 zǎoshang morning
上午 shàngwǔ morning
中午 zhōngwǔ noon
下午 xiàwǔ afternoon
晚上 wǎnshang evening
夜晚 yèwǎn night
午夜 wǔyè midnight

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