Study in China: advantages and disadvantages (Education in China)

Are you looking for information about studying in China? You will find a lot of useful information in the article “China training: useful life hacks”. So we start!

Education in China has recently become increasingly popular due to the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the growth of its industrial potential and the introduction of innovative technologies. The global demand for specialists who speak Chinese is also constantly increasing. Now, the largest companies in the world value skilled workers who know the specifics of the Chinese economy. With such skills, good prospects for career growth appear.

Specialists in the field of economics, engineering specialties, top and middle management are especially in demand in the labor market. There is an increase in demand for orientalists. Professional education received in Chinese educational institutions is quoted all over the world, and specialists with knowledge of the Chinese language are more in demand in the labor market. It is in order to get a useful article, read the publication “China Learning: Useful Life Hacks”.


  • China training: helpful tips
  • Preparatory courses and training in China
  • Admission for Russian citizens
  • Study in China after grade 9
  • Education in China after grade 11
  • Masters in China
  • Education in China: advantages and disadvantages
  • Disadvantages of studying in China
  • Higher Education in China: TOP 10 Best Universities
  • Tsinghua University 清华大学 (Beijing)
  • Peking University 北京大学 (Beijing)
  • Fudan University 复旦大学 (Shanghai)
  • Shanghai University of Transport 上海 交通 大学 (Shanghai)
  • Nanjing University 南京大学 (Nanjing)
  • Shanghai University of Science and Technology 上海 科技 大学
  • Sun Yatsen University 中山大学 (Guangzhou)
  • Huazhong University of Science and Technology 华中 科技 大学 (Wuhan, Hubei Province)
  • Tongji University 同济大学 (Shanghai)
  • Harbin University of Technology 哈尔滨 理工 大学 (Harbin)
  • China training: job prospects
  • Summarize

Study in China: helpful tips

Foreigners arriving in China to study must pass the Chinese language proficiency test. But depending on what kind of knowledge you are heading to the Middle Kingdom, the corresponding requirements will be presented to the student.

Preparatory courses and training in China

Before you start studying in China, you need to take preparatory language courses, which are available in many universities in the PRC. They are divided into several levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced. If the student has never studied Chinese at all, then he is sent to elementary courses, where training begins from the beginning. At the intermediate level, practical spoken language classes begin immediately. Advanced level – implies a certain knowledge base.

Admission for European citizens

You can get an education in China right after school, or with a diploma of education in Europe. It is recommended to plan your studies 1-2 years before admission. Regardless of which educational institution it will take place, the applicant will have to pass a language proficiency test.

If it is planned to study in English, then it is necessary to confirm the knowledge so that they correspond to the IELTS or TOEFL level. When studying in Chinese, the applicant will have to pass the Chinese Proficiency Test.

Study in China after grade 9

For those who want to go to China to receive education after the 9th grade, they should take into account that such training programs in the PRC have a professional focus. In lectures, students are given less theory, and more emphasis is placed on practical exercises. The following requirements are imposed on applicants:

  • Age from 15 to 17 years old.
  • Positive marks in the certificate. The average score must be at least 4.
  • Intermediate English proficiency.

Education in China after grade 11

The sequence of actions for those wishing to obtain higher education in China is as follows:

  • Sending a copy of the school certificate to the university of interest.
  • Registration of a student visa.
  • Receiving an invitation from the university.
  • Registration of registration documents, certified by the Chinese Migration Service.

Masters in China

A master’s degree at a Chinese university is awarded after 2-3 years of study. The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty. In addition to the subjects of the specialty, for admission to the magistracy, it is necessary to speak Chinese and English at an advanced level and pass exams. Master’s degree education is paid, and its cost depends on:

  • Educational institution programs.
  • Forms of training.

Tuition fees range from $ 3,000 to $ 23,000 per year. There are also budget-funded places, but one of the conditions for receiving grants is not older than 35 years.

Education in China: advantages and disadvantages

When a person plans to study abroad, popular European universities immediately come to mind. At the same time, Chinese universities are in the TOP 3 countries, whose graduates find it easier to get a well-paid job. But studying in China also has other benefits:

  • Higher education received in the PRC is valued all over the world. There are a large number of universities in China that occupy high positions in the world ranking.
  • Affordable tuition fees. Education in the PRC is available, including for foreign families with an average income. The cost of training is comparable to the Russian one. Prices for housing and food in China are also bribing.
  • Study with a scholarship. International students can apply for scholarships. The Chinese authorities are even willing to pay for the accommodation and tuition of talented students.
  • Employment. Even before graduating from a higher educational institution in the Middle Kingdom, graduates find work in Chinese or international companies.

Comfortable stay. Many Chinese universities have their own dormitories, with everything you need for a comfortable life. There are both single and double rooms, dining rooms, gyms, kitchen.

Disadvantages of studying in China

Despite the advantages of studying in China, foreign students after arriving in the country face the following disadvantages of living and studying:

  • Food. If you are used to eating dairy products, then they may not be available in ordinary stores, but will be sold at high prices in special outlets. The Chinese cuisine has a certain orientation, which differs, depending on the province. For example, somewhere in the priority spicy food, and somewhere sweet and sour. You need to be prepared for such a diet.
  • You can’t work. Foreign students in China are not allowed to work. To do this, they must have a work visa. If it turns out that the student is working, he can be deported from the country. This problem is especially relevant for families of students with low income.
    Distance from home. The high cost of the flight, so many students can come home only once a year for vacation. You also need to get used to the time zones between countries.

Higher Education in China: TOP 10 Best Universities

The education system in China is developing and improving. The country’s authorities invest a lot in financing educational institutions, therefore, Chinese universities are equipped with modern equipment and technical means. We present to you the TOP of the best higher educational institutions in China.


Tsinghua University 清华大学 (Beijing)

One of the most prestigious universities in the world – the leading educational institution of the PRC. Students here are provided with ideal conditions for learning and unleashing creativity. The university employs specialists in the field of engineering, philosophy, medicine, technical sciences, psychology and other fields.

Peking University 北京大学 (Beijing)

Research work is constantly carried out here, and scientific discoveries are made. Popular with international students, the university is considered the most international in China. Here they study medicine, natural sciences, there are humanitarian and engineering faculties.

Fudan University 复旦大学 (Shanghai)

One of the most expensive and prestigious higher education institutions in China. The university gained popularity thanks to its unique education system. Some of the best teachers in the PRC work here. There are faculties in the humanities, natural sciences, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and other areas.

Shanghai University of Transport 上海 交通 大学 (Shanghai)

More than a century of history, good material and technical base, as well as teaching staff with academic degrees, make this educational institution one of the best in the country. Here, Chinese and foreign students study chemistry, mathematics, business and other sciences. Graduates of this university are in demand in the world.

Nanjing University 南京大学 (Nanjing)

Higher educational institution with a multidisciplinary orientation, with its own base for research activities. It has more than a thousand years of history. Here you can get a bachelor’s degree, undergo master’s and postgraduate studies, in one of more than 160 directions. The university has three buildings, the last of which was opened in 2009, having laid a separate metro line to it.

Shanghai University of Science and Technology 上海 科技 大学

It has 4 buildings at its disposal, as well as one of the largest libraries in the country. Applicants wishing to connect life with natural sciences seek to study at this educational institution. The teaching staff is demanding, but the knowledge is provided at a high level. Graduates of this university can easily find work, both in China and abroad.

Sun Yatsen University 中山大学 (Guangzhou)

It is included in the 200 best higher educational institutions in the world. Located in one of the most developed Chinese provinces – Guangdong. Three buildings of the university are located in Guangzhou, one in the city of Zhuhai. Students here study in different directions: medicine, technical, humanities, pharmacology, management and others.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology 华中 科技 大学 (Wuhan, Hubei Province)

It was opened in 1952, and today it is the largest higher educational institution in the PRC, where at least 65 thousand students are constantly studying. Teaching is conducted in dozens of areas: natural sciences, computer science, mathematics and others.

Tongji University 同济大学 (Shanghai)

Has been working since 1907. The peculiarity of this educational institution is that it is focused on foreign students, therefore, education there is mainly in English. The main specialization of this university is architecture. But there are also areas of medicine, jurisprudence, engineering, natural sciences.

Harbin University of Technology 哈尔滨 理工 大学 (Harbin)

Has awards for achievements in mathematics, computer science, technology. It provides training in more than 200 areas. There are many copyright programs developed by the teachers of the educational institution.

China training: job prospects

After completing their studies, talented graduates of Chinese universities find well-paid jobs. Also, a lot depends on where the yesterday’s student plans to live:

  • In the People’s Republic of China. Graduates, while studying in their last courses, can already look for a place in private or public companies. Those to whom the state provided grants for research activities are in particular demand.
  • European countries. Diplomas issued at universities in China are appreciated by employers in Europe, but here it is also important to have recommendations from teachers and employers with whom they have already worked.
  • European countries. Specialists who speak Chinese are in demand in Russia, because many companies have moved production to China.
  • Academic career. If you have a master’s degree, this opens up the prospect of continuing your studies at universities in the Middle Kingdom in doctoral directions. But for this you need to pass the appropriate exams. This opens up prospects for staying in China to work as a teacher. The government of the country supports young professionals by providing them with privileges and good salaries.


When deciding whether it is worth getting a higher education in China, each applicant should understand that, before career prospects open up before him, he will need to learn the language, adapt to culture, food, and another mentality. Education in China is not free, although it is affordable, therefore, if you are ready to prove yourself as a talented student, you can apply to the university of interest.

There are hundreds of universities in China that provide knowledge in various fields. You can also conduct scientific activities there, improving your qualifications. The quality of education in Chinese universities is quite high. Differences are only in faculties, educational programs, material and technical equipment and teaching staff.


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