Mobile Services vocabulary in Chinese

移动业务 yídòng yèwù Mobile service
返现 fǎnxiàn Cash back
用户中心 yònghù zhōngxīn User Center
开通服务 Kāitōng fúwù Subscribe to a service
服务 fúwù service
没有限制 méiyǒu xiànzhì no limit
吉字节 jí zìjié Gigabytes
订阅 dìngyuè subscribe
来电存储 Láidiàn cúnchú answerphone
漫游 mànyóu roaming
运营商 yùnyíngshāng Operator, service provider
电信运营商 Diànxìn yùnyíng shāng Telecom operators
移动通讯运营商 Yídòng tōngxùn yùnyíng shāng Mobile operator
短信 duǎnxìn SMS, Short message
信号覆盖 xìnhào fùgài Signal coverage
话费 huàfèi telephone bill
充话费 Chōng huàfèi top up balance (on the phone)
承诺付款 Chéngnuò fùkuǎn promised payment
话费套餐 huàfèi tàocān tariff plan (for telephone calls)

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