Hairstyle vocabulary in Chinese

发型 fàxíng hairstyle
梳头 shūtóu comb one’s hair
梳子 shūzi comb
剪刀 jiǎndāo scissors
头发 tóufa hair
剪发 jiǎnfà Haircut
染发 rǎnfà dye one’s hair
洗头 xǐtóu wash one’s hair
卷发 juǎnfà curly hair
假发 jiǎfà wig
电吹风 diànchuīfēng electric hair dryer
理发师 lǐfàshī hairdresser
护发乳 hùfàrǔ Hair cream
头发干洗喷雾 tóufa gānxǐ pēnwù Hair Dry Cleaning Spray
洗发水 xǐfàshuǐ shampoo
定型水 dìngxíngshuǐ Hair fixation spray
发胶 fàjiāo hair spray
涂料 túliào coating
直发板 zhífàbǎn hair straightener
护发膜 hùfàmó Hair mask
生发油 shēngfàyóu Hair tonic
护发喷雾 Hù fā pēnwù protective hair spray
膏霜染发 Gāo shuāng rǎnfǎ cream hair dye
漂白剂 piǎobáijì hair clarifier

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