Chinese | Pinyin | Translation |
家庭 | jiātíng | family |
祖宗 | zǔzong | Ancestor |
曾祖父 | zēngzǔfù | Great grandfather |
外曾祖父 | wài zēngzǔfù | maternal great-grandfather |
曾祖母 | zēngzǔmǔ | great-grandmother |
外曾祖母 | wài zēngzǔmǔ | maternal great-grandmother |
祖父 | zǔfù | father’s grandfather |
外祖父 | wàizǔfù | maternal grandfather |
祖母 | zǔmǔ | father’s grandmother |
奶奶 | nǎinai | maternal grandmother |
父母 | fùmǔ | parents (father and mother) |
父亲 | fùqin | father |
母亲 | mǔqin | mother |
爸爸 | bàba | dad |
妈妈 | māma | mom |
叔叔 | shūshu | uncle (father’s younger brother) |
舅舅 | jiùjiu | maternal uncle |
婶婶 | shěnshěn | dial. aunt (wife of the father’s younger brother) |
哥哥 | gēge | older brother |
弟弟 | dìdi | younger brother |
姐姐 | jiějie | older sister |
妹妹 | mèimei | younger sister |
儿子 | érzi | a son |
干儿子 | gān érzi | Foster-son |
女儿 | nǚ’ér, nǚr | daughter |
干女儿 | gān nǚér | stepdaughter |
侄子 | zhízi | nephew |
侄女 | zhínǚ | niece (brother’s daughter) |
堂(表)兄弟 | táng (biǎo) xiōng dì | cousin (brother) |
堂(表)妹妹 | táng (biǎo) mèi mèi | cousin (sister) |
叔伯姑母; 伯母 | shū bó gū mǔ; bó mǔ | cousin (aunt) |
姑舅哥哥 | gū jiù gē gē | older cousin (brother) |
孙子 | sūnzi | grandson (son of a son) |
外孙 | wàisūn | grandson (daughter’s son) |
孙女 | sūnnǚ | granddaughter (daughter of a son) |
外孙女 | wàisūnnǚ | granddaughter (daughter of a daughter) |
曾孙 | zēngsūn | great-grandson |
曾孙女 | zēngsūnnǚ | great granddaughter |
公公 | gōnggong | father-in-law |
婆婆 | pópo | mother-in-law |
岳父 | yuèfù | father-in-law |
岳母 | yuèmǔ | mother in law |
夫妇 | fūfù | spouses |
丈夫 | zhàngfū | spouse |
妻子 | qīzi | wife |
女婿 | nǚxu | son-in-law |
儿媳妇 | érxífu | daughter-in-law |
儿媳妇 | érxífu | daughter-in-law (son’s wife) |
嫂子 | sǎozi | daughter-in-law (brother’s wife) |
继父 | jìfù | stepfather |
后父 | hòufù | stepfather |
继母 | jìmǔ | stepmother |
干妈 | gānmā | godmother |
干爹 | gāndiē | Godfather |
老公 | lǎogōng | husband (colloquial) |
老婆 | lǎopo | wife (colloquial) |
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