Word info

Global dictionary of words that are found in articles, explanations of words.

Pinyinletters from the Roman alphabet used to represent Chinese sounds.
ToneTone refers to the spoken quality (for example, the highness or lowness) of a syllable. In tonal languages (like Chinese), tone can change the meaning of a word.
Adjectives(such as “red”, “funny”, “interesting”) describe people, places, or things.
NounA noun is the name of something, such as a thing (“spoon”, an idea “love”, a place “Atlanta”, or a person “John”.
syllableA syllable is a sound chunk that contains one vowel. In Chinese, each character represents a syllable.
initialAn initial is a sound that begins a syllable. Most Chinese initials are consonants (like “p”, “k”, “s”).
finalA final is a sound that ends a syllable. All Chinese finals contain at least one vowel (like “a”, “ao”, “ing”)
vowelVowels are sounds like “a”, “e”, “i”. They are pronounced with air flowing freely through your mouth.
toneTone refers to the pitch (for example, the highness or lowness) of a sound. In Chinese, tone can change the meaning of a word.
VerbA verb expresses an action ("Luis cooks every day" or a state of being ("I am sick").
NegateNegatives say something is not so. In Chinese, negative sentences generally use "不".
pluralmore than one